
Everyone has bad days–sometimes even a string of them put together. When you are dealing with PTSD and learning to manage yourself, there are some things that can really help on those shitty days.

The video outlines 3 ways to tell if someone is cares for you, or if they are just sucking up to you and could potentially hurt you. It’s hard to tell sometimes when you are dealing with PTSD and relationships

Lack of sleep will make you cranky and out of sorts. It will affect your memory, may lead to accidents, weaken your immune system and even make you fat!

Here are 4 simple things I do when I am struggling with PTSD nightmares and flashbacks.

If you are looking for help with PTSD or CPTSD, we hope you find what you need here. #dealwithit is a PTSD self-help book for veterans, police and trauma sufferers.

What is normal, and normal for whom? Here are some tips for living with PTSD. In my book #dealwithit – Living Well with PTSD, my wife and I talk about the journey I took and the things I had to learn and accept on my way to recovery.